Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lunchtime Situations, True Joy, and Not Quite True Love

Happy Easter everybody! Hope ya'll know that it isn't just about bunnies and eggs.
I just got back from church. I got to sit in on the little kids class that I'm hopefully going to be teaching when I get older. It's amazing how much more eager those little ones are to learn than teenagers or even adults. It's no wonder that Jesus said that we should become like children, huh?

So, my school has officially gone nuts! Our principal thinks that we are too rowdy/messy/loud in the cafeteria. So he has decided to take all of the sophomores and freshmen who are in Algebra I or Geometry and put them in the gym lobby for the first half of lunch to do "practice" work. He moved half of the tables and chairs out there too. So, now there aren't enough chairs to sit in, or tables to sit on. The principal says that he is required to feed us but he isn't required to give us places to sit. The advanced sophomores who are in Algebra II get to eat lunch in the cafeteria with the juniors and seniors. SO when half of the lunch hour is over the principal sends the sophomores and freshmen into the cafeteria and sends everybody else outside into the courtyard. Into the cold. It has to be the most dumb thing I have ever heard of. He thinks that this is going to stop the fights that have been breaking out lately. But here is the thing. Almost every fight has been between juniors. And the sophomores and freshmen are getting punished. Do YOU think that's right? Let me know if you have any suggestions (Me and my friends are bringing lawn chairs to sit in. That's how desperate we are).

On a totally unrelated subject, I was reading the book of Philippians yesterday in my Bible. I've never really thought about what Joy really is but I think I get it now. Here's how I think of it. Have you ever been in a miserable situation? Like, one where you felt like you were never going to get out of this huge rut that is your' life. BUT the whole time you are feeling terrible there was a certain-perhaps small-part of you that was happy even through hard times. I believe that's Joy. It's God showing you that He's going to take care of you ALL of the time. Think about the apostle Paul. He was in jail a whole heck of a lot. He wrote quite a few books of the bible from jail. And yet his words reached thousands of people and they keep reaching people even now. And in almost every book he is giving thanks! That's right, he is giving thanks to God for all of the things that He has given Paul. Paul talks about how much Joy he has in Philippians 1:3-"I thank God every time I remember you, always praying with joy for all of you,"(My Bible is a New Century Version. It's in modern day language so if you want the original words you should probably go to King James or NIV versions). This passage shows exactly how much faith and JOY Paul had, even in miserable times. Could you pull that off?

Here's some weird news for the day. I was watching Good Morning America the other day and a really odd story was on. A woman claims that she fell in love with the Eiffel tower. Uh-huh. She actually had a ceremony. Her name is now Erika Eiffel. She really thinks that it's her one true love. AND the psychologists say that it's a new type of sexual orientation. Here's what i think. You can love people. Not inanimate objects. Period. You can check out the story at

Let me know what ya think. Comments would be greatly appreciated.